martes, 25 de mayo de 2010

Bus notes

I'm falling asleep on the bus.
2.30 pm.
I am THAT tired, and only 19.
Going off to work. I sell fabrics
They'll cover up your body someday. Or you'll cover your body up with them.
Makes no difference. Whatever
Some here at the bus are happy. Or just grinning at the window.
One grins when happy? Dunno...
Everybody's wearing jeans. I guess it's bus protocol.
Lots of jeans. Some Oxford. Some tight. Some really tight.
Some "i can see exactly what type of underwear you're wearing" tight.
Society's FUCKED UP.
Somebody just coughed at the back of my neck.
I felt the cough coning my hairs. Grossed out.
Must get off.
Hopped on to another bus.
Nobody offers their seat to a 60 year old lady. Not even me.
Society's FUCKED UP.
People on the bus wearing sunglasses.
Got to work.

Kept dancing through.

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