lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010


*Do you believe in heaven, afterlife, God's Garden, or whatever you wanna call it?

*What do you think will that be like?

8 comentarios:

  1. wow, good topic, actually great topic (I love this interactive posts)
    I'm afraid, though, that my answer wont be so interesting.. since I'm a purely logical person, it's hard for me to imagine something I have no proof of, I can't just think something and believes that's how things are,my mind just doesn't allow that..
    I wish I could believe there's something after life...
    a perfect place, where every feeling is a nice feeling, no sadness, no pain.. a place where you are never hungry, where it never hurts (physicaly or emotionally) a place that's not hot nor cold, were it just IS.. a place were you can be whith whoever you want, whenever you want, a place where everybody you love is.. and in my particular case, a place whithout my constant thinking but not cause I don't like thinking much (I love it) it's justa that there would be nothing to think about, a place were all you do is nothing... and it fels great.. that would be my ideal "heaven"
    but my mind only allows me to fully believe that once you die you die and that's that (but anyway, being purely logical, I can't discard the chance of there being something and the chance of it being as I imagined.. but an extremely small chance though..)

  2. I wish it was like it is in The Lovely Bones. It's an ok movie, and a fantastic book. Your heaven, shaped the way you wish it to be, and from where you can watch over the ones you've left behind.
    The book is about much, much more (and quite heartbreaking...and also heartwarming)... But I really wish I believed in it.

  3. Remy: I too am very rational, and do not believe in anyhting that can't be prooven, but to tell you the truth, thinking that there's nothing else after death, is a scary thought.

    B: The Lonely Bones is one of the books I must read this summer, i've heard great things of it...
    Summing up, you wish it were like in the book, but you don't believe in it? Why?

    I always picture Heaven as everything one wants it to be. A place where you can do what you couldn't in life due to lack of time or fear. See everyone you always wanted to (if they're dead of course), a place where you can choose to stay a child, teen, adult, or senior (and change between those when bored), a place where you can soak yourself in knowledge, all the answers are there.
    Just imagine what would that be like. You can take all the time you want to learn a language, take a coffee with Beethoven, Picasso, Lord Byron, whoever you want. Talk to Henry VIII about his version of his 6 wives.
    You can live in Emerald City, in Gotham City, or in 15th century Florence. You can study carpentry, architecture, arts, anything you want, you'll have the time and the best teachers. Just picture what would a literature class with Oscar Wilde be...dazzling for sure...
    You'll know who truly built Stonehenge....

    This is what I look forward for....

  4. I know it's scary, that's why I wish I believed in heaven...
    I do loove your idea of heaven.. I love the being able of doing anything you didn't got the time to do.. and the chance to learnn ANYTHING you want to in the time you want to.. I would like to believe that it doesn't need to take any time at all (but I wonder if it would be as sactifactory knowing it took now effort and that anyone can do it in the blink of an eye).. I deffinetly love the finally figuring out the mysteries of life..
    And of course I love the being able to meet and be whith whomever you want, that's classic..

    I'm not so sure about the being child, adult or whatever.. I feel like you wouldn't need to do anything, I don't feel like it would make a difference, I don't think there would be such a thing as getting borred

    (sorry I keep giving you such long answers)

  5. Cuando era más chica me preguntaba mucho como sería el cielo, y de tanto pensarlo aveces me deprimía, pero cuando crecí, supe que yo lo que en verdad quería era reencontrarme con una sola persona con la que compartí mucho cuando era niña, y conocer a todos aquellos a los que siempre quise preguntarle tantas cosas. Ojalá el cielo sea como la tierra, porque para mi es perfecta en todas sus formas, y más que nada deseo que sea un lugar de encuentro para siempre.
    *y acá se me escapó una lágrima*

  6. Remy: Las respuestas largas son siempre bienvenidas....

    a*: Voy a tomar esa lágrima como algo bueno...(espero que así sea por lo menos)

  7. si, es porque me conmueve un poco pensarlo, pero espero que sea algo bueno :)

  8. en serio a*? te parece perfecta la tierra? yo la verdad, espero que sea muy distinto el cielo de la tierra, en parte, porque quiero que sea algo nuevo y desconocido, y enj parte creo que la tierra (si bien en algunos aspectos es hermosa)en varios otros es un asco.. yo espero que sea mejor, mas simple y menos complicado
