jueves, 14 de julio de 2011

So this friend came to me the other day looking for comfort and a pep talk, he had just been dumped by his gf.
Not knowing how to really "comfort" a guy friend, i just sat there and listened to everything he had to say.

When he was done, he asked me what I thought of it all....

And I asked him: "Do you think you could have given more? Do you think she could have given you more? Do you think you might get someone better in the future? Is this it for you? Was that the love of your life?"

He replied: "Well...I don't know, I'm only 20, and have a life ahead of me...."

So I said: "No...when your ONE true love shows up and then leaves, you know that was it. I know I gave the best of myself, I know I was given the best too, I know I'll never get anything as good as her, I know that was it....I know that was (and always will be) the love of my life....So stop being so sad 'cause your train hasn't left the station yet, but when it does, be on it. You don't wanna miss it."

I'm not really sure what I said made him feel better, but that's that.

2 comentarios:

  1. Humm, no estoy de acuerdo.

    No creo en la teoría del "One True Love". Sospecho que todos tenemos un romántico adentro, pero no podemos negar que eso del "One True Love" nos lo inculcaron desde chiquitos con los cuentos de hadas y películas; especialmente a las mujeres: que la felicidad máxima era casarse y que vivirían felices para siempre.

    Entiendo que es el argumento típico del cínico que se rehúsa a creer en el amor y blah blah blah, pero yo no niego la existencia del amor ni la de soulmates. Simplemente creo que hay más de uno.

  2. ok, estoy 100% de acuerdo con blue..
    o sea, creo en la existencia de alguien que te haga sentir lo que vos le dijiste a tu amigo, no creo en la unicidad de esa persona..
    Ahora, igual, si alguien te hace sentir todo lo que vos dijiste, no podes dejar que se te vaya, xq si bien no creo que sea algo único, me parece un desperdicio dejarlo pasar..

    igual, asumiendo que exista el "amor de tu vida", eso no hace que perder otros amores sea menos triste, no sera amor de tu vida, pero igual fue UN amor, y perderlo es triste, sea el de tu vida o no..
